Saturday, February 9, 2013

Buzz Bloody Lightyear

So... Went to a Jumble Sale with MIL today and we find an awesome bargain for $4. A Buzz Lightyear for Dexter.

Bring it home, give it to him, and he instantly adores him. Made the silly mistake of giving it to him before lunch, and he won't let me take him away. Lesson learnt. After lunch, Buzz gets cleaned. Then we give him back to Dex. Silly.

Then Dex insists on taking him to bed for his nap. Dex wakes up a little early from his nap and starts playing with Buzz.

Dex does not let go of Buzz until dinner when (after learning at lunch time) I take him away, tears and all. After his bath, Dexter finds Buzz and insists on bringing him to bed. I didn't learn my lesson from previous nap.

Two hours after he's gone to bed, he's up again and we hear "To Infinity and Beyond" coming from his bedroom. I go into his room and take Buzz in the hope it was just Dex accidentally pressing the button in his sleep. Cue epic tantrum. Now Dexter won't sleep without the freakin Buzz Lightyear.

After over an hour of trying to settle him, I give up. I get Tris to take the batteries out of Buzz. Still no luck. He's stuck in a cry loop. He's border line hysterical and I'm pretty sure he's even forgotten why by now.

I end up in his cot. For over an hour. He falls asleep. Brilliant. Only problem is I'm in the cot and don't wish to stay there for the three hours that remains of the night. I get up, clumsily, cause lets face it, cots aren't designed for people my size to be getting out of. He wakes. Crawls over to me! Says "oh no! Mummy! Awww Man!". I freeze. He falls asleep again at my lap. I finish my escape.

I'm out! He's asleep! And it's only four hours until the groceries are delivered. All because of a frickin Buzz Lightyear toy. *facepalm*

Monday, January 28, 2013

Getting Organised

I love being organised. And I love gathering and researching ideas for better organisation. However, I am far from being an organised person and this is something I am working hard to fix! January is almost finished, the holiday season honeymoon period almost over. No more excuses. My life will be on track.

The first few lines of this entry would seem like an oxymoron to most. Until the reason for it all is revealed. I'm incredibly lazy. There, I said it. It's on the interwebs now, so it must be true. So, although I adore organisation and thrive on it, in all my 31 years of living, I've been to lazy to implement a truly organised system that I've been able to stick to. Being and staying organised is not an easy task. It takes hard work, dedication, and motivation. I'm going to give it a read hot go though. And I'm planning on blogging through it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bini Babble

So if I'm going to do this blogging thing properly, I may as well introduce myself so you get an idea of who is behind the dribble.

I'm 31 years old, living on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia. I'm a mother to a gorgeous one year old who we named Dexter. Dexter is my world, and my everything. He is worth every second I waited to have a child in my arms.

I'm a Wiccan, and married my husband by Wiccan hand fasting in January of 2006. My faith works for me, but I by no means attempt to convert anybody else to believe what I believe. I find people who do that kind of thing incredibly rude. Leave people to find their own path!

I'm at quite a frustrating precipice in my life at the moment. I have many exciting goals set for myself but its really difficult to get any of these projects started. Because, they are big life changing things. Things that will make an affect on those around me also, so I must be careful with the decisions I make.

Despite what my report cards in high school may say, I love Science. Especially the fields of medical science, human biology, fertility, and pathology. I studied Laboratory Technology for two and half years, specialising in pathology testing. I hope, in the very near future to utilise my Diploma in this field and work in a Pathology Laboratory.

The most important thing to know about me. I love blogging! But often I lose my momentum, resulting in months between posts. Or, even worse, me giving up on a particular blog all together and starting over. If this happens again, I apologise. If it inconveniences you, well that's kinda bitter/sweet for me! I'm gutted that I've caused you inconvenience, but flattered that you care or even READ this dribble.

So that's me. Lucinda aka Bini aka Mummy. Hope you find something that interests you amongst my randomness.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


When Instagram made that infamous and incredibly stupid mistake regarding privacy changes, I ran. More than anything, I didn't want to support a service that would treat their loyal users like that. But, I needed somewhere else to go. And I found it with a nifty little app called tadaa. Tadaa is beautiful. I imagine, soon, there will be another huge influx of people leaving IG and finding solace in tadaa. It's beautiful filters, sharing capabilities and ability to just use it as an image editing app have me absolute sold. I'm a fan! Follow me! User name is bini48. You'll find a crazy amount of photos of my baby boy, including all the photos I had on Instagram. That's right. Tadaa allowed me to import all my photos from IG.

Happy New Year

Twenty hours ago, here in Sydney Australia, we rang in the new year of 2013. Now for me, 2012 was a lot of things. Some brilliant, usually pertaining to my amazing son. Others not so, and having to do with the health of my loved ones. This said, I'm hoping that 2013 is a year of good health and sane minds. I have grand plans for 2013 and really hope I can achieve some, if not ALL of my goals.